Campanula bloomsSunset in New Hamshire
          by Heather Renyck.

Welcome to the 
Meek's Website!

2025 - our 29th anniversary year.
[Click on any image to see an enlargement].

     For the record, ... there is no AI-generated content on this website.  

Horizontal Line or Rule

* - Navigation Aid Marker  Table of Contents for this page:



This page contains our offering to the on-line world. We hope you find as much fun surfing around in it as we had making it. Most of the external links on this page will open a new window in your browser. To return here, just close the new window.

For queries or further information, e-mail us directly from your forms-capable browser.

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A Few Puns and Word Plays:

These are just a collection of puns, word plays, catchy phrases, and other foolishness -- all good, clean fun for all members of the family.
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  Finding Real and Lasting Happiness Every DayDove, with
        olive leaf.

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  Now, Some Things Astronomical

Planetary Nebula Mz3Cat's Eye NebulaV838 Monocerotis light echo
Left is the planetary nebula Mz3; center is the Cat's Eye nebula;
and right is the light echo around V838 Monocerotis.
All are from the Hubble Heritage Image Gallery.
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  Science & Technology Websites.

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  Futures Websites.

Here are some links to places where futurists and others predict what will come to pass as time rolls on. It will focus on social, societal and political items as well as those from technology and science and other topics that seem interesting. They are almost never accurate, of course; and some are more serious than others. And that is all part of the fun. But they will give you food for thought as you try to visualize where we are headed. Have fun.
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  Some Very Interesting Microscopic Images.

Pollen grainTip of ball point penTarsal claw of a small ant.
Pollen grain   ||   Tip of ball point  pen   ||   Ant's claw
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  Getting Started and working safely on the Internet.

[Since these are all internal links, they do not open new pages in your web browser. To return here, just use the "Back" button. Some of these are fairly old, now; but they still contain useful "getting started" information.]
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  The Fabulous Ruins of DetroitBuilding demolition in Detroit

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  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Photos.

NOAA ship at seaThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Photo Collection (marine life, weather, scenes, ocean research and atmospheric research). The Severe Storms Lab Collection has several sections, one of particular interest to Tornado watchers. You can also visit their National Severe Storms Lab and their Ocean Explorer website, where you can follow an ocean expedition.
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  The Edmonton Temple, Family History,
Scripture Searching, Book of Mormon Map, etc.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [cookies (cookie caution)], {also known as the restored Church of Jesus Christ or the Church of Jesus Christ, and with members popularly referred to in error as Mormons--see the Church Style Guide for naming preferences} have built a Temple in Edmonton. Edmonton Temple at twilight - fall of 2006.

For those interested in the progress of its construction (from ground-breaking in February 1999 through the installation of the statue atop the spire seven months later, and including the renovations of mid- and late-2011), seeEdmonton Temple ET icon.The Construction of the Edmonton Temple website. For further information on the purposes of temples, why the LDS church builds them, and for answers to frequently-asked questions, see The House of the Lord website. The latter also contains a gallery of photos of LDS temples around the world.

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  Learn Some Elementary Egyptian Hieroglyphics (really!).

Ramses figureDr. Serge Rosmorduc has posted in English at the University of Paris, a very interesting and informative website on ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. It is called "A Short Introduction to Hieroglyphs." You can actually learn a little bit about it in a very short time. For example, in five minutes or less, you can learn to interpret a cartouche*(the symbol used to enclose royal names) for King Ramesses * as follows: * is a sign for the sun, in Coptic, "Ra;" the*is associated with the words "to give birth," or "mose", therefore the consonant "m" (it even looks a bit like an "m" if you stretch a bit). And the * is an "s." So you get "ra-m-s-s" or "Ramesses" *. Already you are half-way there! All of this example is on the page titled "The Deciphering of Hieroglyphs." Dr. Rosmorduc even hosts a page (in French) where you can submit your name, and get it back in hieroglyphs. [Translate it into English by submitting its URL at]. On the "Discovering Egypt" website, another "Egyptian Name Translator" is also available, as is a page on Egyptian Math.
...  ...  Have lots of fun:
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  Dacaharma's Tasty Delights

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  More Mindless Doodles

Somebody asked: where are the rest? Well, they are endless; but here are a few. As with every image here, a click brings an enlargement.
More mindless doodles - some are
          actual and materialMore mindless doodlesMindless doodle with a yellow
          background :)
More mindless doodles - more
          mindless doodles - some are even actualzed in fabric
More mindless doodles - oils on
For some delightful drawings, see the Imaginary Life Forms from the 'severly board mind' of Roger C. Wagner.
His Imaginary Worlds and Gallery of 3D images (computer art from biology) are also very well done. Great fun!
Alma Rumball drawing.
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  A Few Photos for Relaxation

Med building on U of A campus,
          D.C. Temple, ~1965.
Grove on Goat Island near
          Niagara Falls, early morning, ~1965.
Niagara River above the
          escarpment, from Goat Island, ~1968.
Tree covered in rime ice, near
          Niagara Falls, ~1969.Tiger Lilies, Edmonton,
Summer sunset in Western New
          York, ~1976.
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Vertical spacer - flowers.
Caution: This website may contain traces of peanuts ... but more likely just binary coded zeros and ones.
All images and other content on this website © Chet Meek, 1996-2025. All rights reserved.
For the record, ... there is no AI-generated content on this website, and no AI collaboration either.
BUT, ... I know nothing certain about the content of outside external links or about their use of AI agents.
Horizontal Line or Rule with
        birds, as on a clothesline.

Title: Home Page for the Meek Familyof Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
The primary URL for this page is at: * - Navigation Aid MarkerGo to Primary website.
The Mirror-2 URL for this page is at: * - Navigation Aid MarkerGo to  Mirror-2 website.
Page maintained by: Chet Meek,  ... direct e-mail. And there is no assistance from any AI agent in the creation of this website.
Page Last Updated:. Wednesday, 1 January 2025 at 00:00 MT (SeaMonkey ff, w/StatCtr; Win10hOnZē̂ta).  ::  Page Created: 14 Feb 1996, St. Valentine's Day.
