For those who are interested in the progress of construction but for whom regular trips to the temple site were not practical, we offer several series of exterior photos with some limited commentary. Photo pages vary in size from about 20 Kb for the smaller and simpler landscape images (i.e. Photo 9) to near 70 Kb for the larger portrait images (i.e. Photo 24).
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The temple is now open for ordinance work by members, who can call 780+434-7436 to book an appointment time. Sessions are held as follows:
The temple will be closed on certain holidays such as Christmas
and New Years, and for the Saturdays of General Conference; please be sure
to call ahead.
The temple will also be closed for maintenance for two weeks twice a year, usually during the last half of January and the first half of July. Again, please be sure to call ahead.
A Deseret News article "Ground
is broken for temple in Canada - a monument of faith" describes a bit
of the ground breaking ceremony, and some of the history of the church
in Edmonton.